Why Every Driver Should Have A Dash Cam

If you drive a vehicle, there will likely be a situation where you wish you had a dash cam recording what was in front of you. If you're unsure if a dash cam is right for you, consider the following situations when you can benefit from having one. 

Documenting An Accident 

Accidents happen when you least expect them, and there is no way to simply get out your smartphone in anticipation of an accident. A dash cam will constantly record and capture any accident that you have on video. This video can actually be used as evidence if you need to prove that the other driver was at fault, which can help increase your insurance payout as a result.

Preventing Insurance Fraud

Another situation where a dash cam can save you is if someone is trying to commit insurance fraud. This is when they stage an accident to make it look like you caused it, when it was really the other person's fault and now they are trying to make an illegal insurance claim. A dash cam can prove that you did not intentionally hit another vehicle or pedestrian if you need to prove it in court. 

Capturing Hit-And-Run Accidents

Hit-and-run accidents are more common than you think and are often due to the other driver not having insurance and not wanting to pay for the damage. A dash cam is capable of capturing the license plate of the other vehicle as they drive away, which can help prove who was responsible for the accident and didn't stick around to exchange insurance information. 

Monitoring Your Vehicle When Parked 

Dash cams have the capability to activate when your vehicle is parked due to motion detectors. This can help catch someone that hits your car in a parking lot, or intentionally vandalizes your car when you are not around. This can lead to capturing identifying information on video to help the other person pay for the damage that they caused.

Reviewing Your Driving

Did you almost get in an accident and want to know how it happened? A dash cam can help review your own driving so that you can learn from your mistakes. Otherwise, all you may remember is that you had to slam on the brakes to avoid an accident and be unsure who was at fault. 

Think you're ready to get a dash cam? Contact a local service to learn more about dash cams.
